Customer Testimonials

"After the flood in 2004, we began our relationship with Merco Marine by ordering Truss Frame Docks for our marina.  The products are superior to others we have used in the past and their service is always prompt.  We couldn't be more satisfied!"

- J.H.

"Merco Marine has been my exclusive supplier for over 20 years. Customer service and problem solving are exceptional with prompt shipping with great Made In America quality."

- J.S.

"I’ve been working exclusively with Merco Marine for over 10 years.  Their top quality products, quick delivery, and excellent customer service help me to always provide my customers with the finest docks.   Merco is absolutely the best!"

- K.S.

"We have been working with Merco Marine for 2 generations and the quality hasn't changed. Scott and Dan have always gone above and beyond with accommodations and last minute order changes without issue. I look forward to working with them in the future and highly recommend their services to anyone looking for dock materials. They will get you what you need from a single bracket repair to building an entire fleet of docks, no job is too small or too large."

- T.E.